Play Style Event Tags at MagicCon

Play Style Event Tags at MagicCon

To help players differentiate play offerings and choose events best suited for their preferences, we are implementing a new naming convention for ticketed play events. This system defines the target audience for each type of event.

Play Styles


You want to have fun with your friends while playing. You prioritize doing fun plays and having an enjoyable game state. Your ultimate goal is having fun, win or lose.


A mixture of the two groups, you want to win the game to some extent, but also want to have an enjoyable and clean game state. Your ultimate goal is playing well while having your skills tested.


You want to win the game and to do it as efficiently as you can. You enjoy clashing with other decks, making tough decisions, and navigating tricky card interactions. Your ultimate goal is victory.

Importantly, events with the Competitive tag do not automatically mean they require decklists. Please check each ticketed play event description for further details.