A Village Called Hommlet
Scheduled Times: 11:00 AM Friday, 7:00 PM Friday, 3:00 PM Saturday, 3:00 PM Sunday
Play Time: 2 hours, 45 minutes
Adventure Description:
Caravans are long overdue and whispers of danger drift through every tavern. A call for aid in Hommlet arrives, as dark shadows creep in ancient and forgotten places once more. Will you brave the shadows? A Legends of Greyhawk Preview Adventure for characters 1st to 4th level.
Character Creation:
Legends of Greyhawk uses the rules presented in the 2024 core rulebooks. Create a 1st-level character on D&D Beyond to play in the campaign, using the rules in the 2024 Player’s Handbook. Use either the Standard Array or Point Cost method to determine your character’s ability scores, choose the fixed Hit Point option, and turn off all sources listed as well as partnered content on the Character Preferences page. If you do not wish to create your own character, pre-made characters are claimable on D&D Beyond.
Darkness in Nulb
Scheduled Times: 11:00 AM Friday, 7:00 PM Friday, 3:00 PM Saturday, 3:00 PM Sunday
Play Time: 2 hours, 45 minutes
Adventure Description:
Nulb is a ramshackle of huts and tents nestled beside the only bridge over Imedrydr Run. Known for shady characters and even shadier deals, it's a perfect place to gather information on those who wish to remain hidden. However, the darkness is reluctant to give up its secret easily. Will you uncover the truths hidden within? A Legends of Greyhawk Preview Adventure for characters 1st to 4th level.
Character Creation:
Legends of Greyhawk uses the rules presented in the 2024 core rulebooks. Create a 1st-level character on D&D Beyond to play in the campaign, using the rules in the 2024 Player’s Handbook. Use either the Standard Array or Point Cost method to determine your character’s ability scores, choose the fixed Hit Point option, and turn off all sources listed as well as partnered content on the Character Preferences page. If you do not wish to create your own character, pre-made characters are claimable on D&D Beyond.
Ruins of the Moathouse: Level 20 VIP Exclusive
Scheduled Times: Part of the Level 20 schedule (both Journey A and Journey B)
Play Time: 2 hours, 45 minutes
Adventure Description:
After the Battle of Emridy Meadows, the remaining forces of Prince Thrommel IV laid siege to the temple's outpost in the moathouse, leaving it in ruins. Recently, travelers have reported strange lights flickering among the debris. Rufus and Burne, the elders of Hommlet, have called upon you to investigate. What secrets will you uncover among the crumbling stones? A Legends of Greyhawk Preview Adventure for characters 1st to 4th level. Exclusive to the Level 20 VIP badge.
Character Creation:
Legends of Greyhawk uses the rules presented in the 2024 core rulebooks. Create a 1st-level character on D&D Beyond to play in the campaign, using the rules in the 2024 Player’s Handbook. Use either the Standard Array or Point Cost method to determine your character’s ability scores, choose the fixed Hit Point option, and turn off all sources listed as well as partnered content on the Character Preferences page. If you do not wish to create your own character, pre-made characters are claimable on D&D Beyond.
Battle of Emridy Meadows
Scheduled Times: 2:30 PM Friday, 11:00 AM Saturday, 11:00 AM Sunday
Play Time: 3 hours, 45 minutes
Adventure Description:
The reign of terror of the Temple of Elemental Evil ends tonight! Forces of good have united to stand against the rising elemental powers. Will you rise to the challenge and shape the fate of the Flanaess? Set years before the start of the campaign, the outcome of this adventure directly affects the beginning of the Legends of Greyhawk campaign. A special multi-table Legends of Greyhawk Prelude Adventure for 7th level characters.
Character Creation:
Legends of Greyhawk uses the rules presented in the 2024 core rulebooks. Create a 7th-level character on D&D Beyond to play in the campaign, using the rules in the 2024 Player’s Handbook. Use either the Standard Array or Point Cost method to determine your character’s ability scores, choose the fixed Hit Point option, and turn off all sources listed as well as partnered content on the Character Preferences page. You may choose one uncommon magic item from the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide and have an additional 500 gold pieces to spend on equipment from the 2024 Player’s Handbook. If you do not wish to create your own character, pre-made characters are available on-site.
Note: Your character used for this adventure will not be played in the rest of the Legends of Greyhawk campaign as this is a “historical” adventure. We encourage you to create a relationship between this character (family member, friend, mentor, etc.) and a 1st-level character you’ll play in one of the other Legends of Greyhawk events.