Forgetful Fish Qualifiers

Forgetful Fish Qualifiers

Fun with Friends – Fun with Fish! Join this great variant which resembles a battlebox where there is just one communal 80-card deck shared between the two players. The “Forgetful” part comes from the eight copies of Memory Lapse, while the “Fish” part reflects the ten copies of Dandân. The rest of the deck features a slew of blue instant and sorcery spells to take advantage of the top of the deck, the stack, and The Fish. The only effect that can deal damage in the format is Dandân.

Accumulate all your knowledge of deck manipulation, bend your opponent's memory on the stack, supplant the battlefield with a big fishy friend, and then remind them who's boss by slapping them with 4 fishy damage at a time! If you can beat out your opponents you can get to the finals and win a graded fish of your own.

ForgetFul Fish is a variant constructed format originally created by Nick Floyd.

Format Rules & Information

Forgetful Fish is played much like any other game of Magic. Here is the breakdown:

  • Players start at 20 life
  • Draw a hand of seven
  • Discard at the end step if they have more than seven
  • Lose the game if they draw from an empty deck
  • Players opening hands are dealt one at a time alternating players - one card for the first player, one card for the second player, and repeat. If an effect causes both players to draw a card, the active player deals the cards in the same fashion as the opening hands, starting with themselves. Both players also share a graveyard. If an effect returns a card from “your” graveyard or library, it refers now to the shared graveyard/library. Also, the “owner” of a card is its caster.
  • Concerning mulligans, players may first take one or more free mulligans for hands containing less than two lands or spells, revealing any hand not meeting these criteria; then, once the previous criteria have been met, they may opt to take further mulligans for which standard rules apply.


  • Creatures (10)
    • 10 Dandân
  • Instants (34)
    • 4 Accumulated Knowledge
    • 2 Brainstorm
    • 2 Crystal Spray
    • 2 Dance of the Skywise
    • 8 Memory Lapse
    • 2 Metamorphose
    • 2 Mind Bend
    • 2 Mystical Tutor
    • 2 Predict
    • 2 Ray of Command
    • 2 Supplant Form
    • 2 Unsubstantiate
    • 2 Vision Charm
  • Sorceries (4)
    • 2 Diminishing Returns
    • 2 Mystic Retrieval
  • Lands (32)
    • 2 Halimar Depths
    • 18 Island
    • 2 Izzet Boilerworks
    • 2 Lonely Sandbar
    • 2 Mystic Sanctuary
    • 2 Remote Isle
    • 2 Svyelunite Temple
    • 2 Temple of Epiphany

There will be 2 Qualifiers - the top 4 players from each will move on to the Finals on Sunday, Feb 23rd.

Forgetful Fish Qualifiers

  • Friday - 12:00 PM
  • Saturday - 4:00 PM

Constructed Tournament: No supplies/cards needed to participate.

Product: Phantom Constructed - Forgetful Fish Decks will be provided for play. Players DO NOT keep decks.

Rounds: 5 Swiss Rounds, with a top 4 cut

Estimated Length: 4 to 5 hours.

Prizes (per player)

  • Participation: 1 Playmat
  • WIn: 1500 Prize Tix
  • Loss: 200 Prize Tix
  • 5th - 8th place: Graded Dandan

Forgetful Fish Finals

  • Sunday - 12:30 PM

PRIZES (per player)

  •  Top 8 participants: Forgetful Fish Top 8 Playmat and Sleeves
  •  1st Place: Graded Foil Dandân, Champion Mat and Forgetful Fish Trophy
  •  2nd Place: Graded Arabian Nights Dandân
  •  3rd - 4th: Graded Timeshifted Dandân
  •  5th - 6th: Graded 5th Edition Dandân
  •  7th - 8th: Graded Chronicles Dandân