MagicCon Presents: Lobby Khan at Reggies

MagicCon Presents:
Lobby Khan at Reggies

Looking for a place to gather after the convention? Look no further. MagicCon: Chicago is hosting Lobby Khan at Reggies Chicago.

Lobby Khan at Reggies – Thursday, February 20, to Saturday, February 22.

21+ Events

Join us at Reggies Chicago for an unforgettable weekend filled with Magic: The Gathering enthusiasts, engaging panels and discussions, and some live band karaoke! See full schedule.

No Tickets Needed

This is a “Show Your Badge” event. Bring your MagicCon badge and join us for a weekend of fun, camaraderie, and Magic moments!

Must show your physical MagicCon Badge to get access to Lobby Khan scheduled activities. Thursday night Black Lotus event limited to Black Lotus badgeholders only.

Other events are open to all MagicCon: Chicago badgholders. Space is limited - first-come, first serve. You must be 21+ to attend Lobby Khan Events.


Reggies Chicago

2105 S State St,

Chicago, IL 60616


Reggies - Rock Club - Black Lotus Event – Must Show Your Black Lotus Badge

9:00 PM – 10:30 PM: MagicCon First Look with Matt Tabak, Aaron Forsythe & Mark Rosewater

10:30 PM – 12:00 AM: Mix & Mingle

For more information on Black Lotus, please see below.

Reggies - Music Joint

7:30 PM – 8:30 PM: Hot One Drops

Daniel from Quest for the Janklord battles (Roy Graham, Story Lead at Wizards of the Coast), in a mono-red Dandân with a fiery twist: 

A life total of 10 wicked-spicy hot wings. 

As the combatants exchange Goblin Cadets and Lightning Bolts to the face, Daniel will grill Roy about life, love, and Magic: The Gathering. If the wings don’t make Roy sweat…Daniel’s questions certainly will. 

Throughout the battle, the audience will have an opportunity to cast a few flame bolts and questions of their own–each burning inquiry bringing the game closer to its fiery conclusion, where there is but one certainty: Daniel and Roy burning from within. 

Pain. Laughter. Enlightenment. HOT ONE DROPS.

Reggies - Music Joint – 7:00 PM – 12:00 AM - An Evening of Khansequence

8:30 PM – 9:30 PM: The World of Tarkir! 

What wonders hold the plane of warlords and dragons! How do you prepare adding to the dynasty of a block that stood the test of time? Our panelists have had the time and the opportunity to dive into Tarkir for the new Tarkir Dragonstorm set. Two artists together with our host will dive into the process of creating Tarkir and making it their own for the next installment of this epic adventure. 

10:00 PM – 11:30 PM – Worst MTG Game Show Ever (Tarkir edition)

From YouTube straight to the panel room of MC Las Vegas through an omenpath to Tarkir just for you. The Worst MTG Game Show Ever. hosted by your charismatic, chaotic and crazy game show host VeggieWagon. In this Tarkir special, some of your favorite personalities compete against new European challengers who have to guess the mind-boggling puns, punchline heavy hitters and absolutely groan worthy magic jokes! Only one team can Siege Rhino Victory. Forget all you know about magic, and get amazed by the pure comedy, don't hold back. Jeskai is the limit!

Reggie’s - Rock Club

Live Band Karaoke: 9:00 PM – 1:00 AM

Get ready to take the stage for another MagicCon edition of late-night karaoke. This time we upscaled the experience with a live band to back you up  - Come be the lead singer of your own band!

Band will include a guitarist, bassist, drummer, and keyboard player.

Sign-ups will happen on site at Reggies Saturday night. For a full song library, please review here.

Reggies - Music Joint

7:30 PM – 8:30 PM: Mike Linnemann (VorthosMike) brings a little discussion offsite to Reggie's where the GOATs of the vorthos community discuss Tarkir. 

Cary Thomas Barkett of, Michelle Rapp, and Jaymic get you up to speed on Tarkir with some surprises for guests involved. Vorthos Mike is one of the founders of the MTG Art Market, an art broker and agent to over 30 magic artists, and finds time to do generally 1-2 Magic art shows per year. 

Cary Thomas Barkett is the archivist behind the scenes of all vorthos content. If you want to go 0-60 on Lore, Cary is who to talk to first. They also are hilarious on social media. 

These days Michelle is known for her stellar pottery and depictions of Tamiyo, Jace and Vraska. Michelle goes way back on vorthos content and is coming back to creation. 

Jaymic is a freelance flavor text writer for Magic...and wrote on Tarkir, bringing tangible experiences to the fold. 

9:00 PM – 12:30 AM: Open Commander Play and DJ Elliot 


  • MagicCon content will be in the Rock Club and Music Joint at Reggies.
  • Rock Club is mostly standing room with limited seated.
  • Music Joint is an area to eat, play Magic, and listen to panels.

  • Reggies Chicago is one block from Redline and Greenline stops and approximately seven blocks from the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place.
  • Please refer to
  • Shuttles are available to Black Lotus for Thursday event only.

You get access to the Black Lotus panel happening Thursday night at Reggies.

  • First Look with Matt Tabak, Aaron Forsythe & Mark Rosewater: 9:00 PM – 10:30 PM 
  •  Mix & Mingle: 10:30 PM – 12:00 AM 


  • Complimentary Shuttle Service from McCormick Place to Reggies: 6:45 PM – 8:30 PM 
  • Must Show Your Black Lotus Badge for Shuttle Service
  • Shuttle Pickup will be located at Gate 31 on Level 2 of the Convention Center. This is directly in front of the McCormick Business Center.

*Please note that shuttle service is one way with no return service to McCormick Place

Food & Drink are available for purchase on-site.